Slim came home late yesterday afternoon. He has been pretty tired and weak but has been able to rest more than when he was in the hospital. ( you don't get to sleep as much as you would think in a hospital) He will need to have several follow-ups over the next few weeks to monitor blood thinners and his A-fib heart rhythm.
Again, our family would like to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers during this challenging time.
Visitation: At this time it is limited to immediate family members only. Please do not call the nurses station for an update. This pulls them away from direct patient care.

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Thursday Night
Slim has done well today. He has had a lot of visitors today which has helped to make the day go by faster. He did great with walking in rehab, to the point that they think he can be discharged tomorrow. They are debating on if they should try to cardio-vert (shock his heart back into normal rhythm) his heart again. If they do, then he will be there for a longer portion of the day. If they opt to just try the meds, he could come home tomorrow morning. If all goes well and he does come home tomorrow I will make a final posting then.
Our family and Slim would like to thank you for all your prayers and support during this challenging time.
Our family and Slim would like to thank you for all your prayers and support during this challenging time.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday- Out of the ICU
This afternoon Slim was transferred from the ICU.
As they transferred him down to the step down unit they did a weight check on him. He has lost 15 lbs of fluid over the last few days. He is down to 2 liters of O2 vs the 3 liters yesterday. This morning he was feeling shaky and tired. By this afternoon he was starting to feel better. Food still doesn't taste really good to him yet and he is still lacking much of an appetite.
Now that he is up more he is starting to get restless. He can now have visitors. We ask that if you come to visit please limit your visit to 15-20 minutes... again this is so that he doesn't get fatigued from too much visiting. He will be up walking and doing rehab several times tomorrow and this is where he needs to focus his energy.
As they transferred him down to the step down unit they did a weight check on him. He has lost 15 lbs of fluid over the last few days. He is down to 2 liters of O2 vs the 3 liters yesterday. This morning he was feeling shaky and tired. By this afternoon he was starting to feel better. Food still doesn't taste really good to him yet and he is still lacking much of an appetite.
Now that he is up more he is starting to get restless. He can now have visitors. We ask that if you come to visit please limit your visit to 15-20 minutes... again this is so that he doesn't get fatigued from too much visiting. He will be up walking and doing rehab several times tomorrow and this is where he needs to focus his energy.
He is still in the ICU but hoping to be transfered to a step down unit tonight. Today's chest xray still shows pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs). He is still on several meds and still has the feeding tube. He is eating some food, but swallowing is very painful and food "in general" taste awful. His heart is still in A-fib and has not converted yet to a sinus rhythm, even on the medications. He is very weak but is doing well. They hope to start cardaic rehab tonight once he has been transfered to the step down unit. The family is still restricted in visiting. He is weak and he realizes this - and hasn't even asked to come home. Thanks again for all your love and support.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tuesday night
Slim was up in a chair several times today. His speech therapy evaluation went well. He was able to swallow everything and so he was able to actually eat lunch by mouth today instead of a tube. They still have the tube in place in case they need to provide additional nutritional support. Although he was able to eat today, the taste of it wasn't like he would have hoped. The meds may play a part in this. They have removed the lines in his right arm. All that is left is the central line in his neck. They were also able to remove the chest tube that helped to drain excessive fluid from his surgical site. They also continue to push getting the fluids out of his system. Since entering the hospital last week he has gained about 8 lbs. This is mostly due to the retaining of fluids. They have been able to drain 3 liters to date. They have now switched from a mask to a nose piece to give him the additional oxygen. He currently is on 3 liters of O2. Looks like he will start rehab tomorrow.
His voice is getting stronger and he is able to carry on a simple conversation. He basically has little to no memory of what has taken place since they brought him back from surgery. Judy and I were able to visit for awhile today and relayed to him what all happened and when. One memory he does have is of the tube in his airway.... He doesn't want to have the tube put back in ever again!!!
Still not sure when he will be transferred out of the ICU. Tomorrow would have been his target discharge date. However; since he had the set back that lasted for about 3 days we don't expect him to come home before the weekend. This is a guess on our part.
His voice is getting stronger and he is able to carry on a simple conversation. He basically has little to no memory of what has taken place since they brought him back from surgery. Judy and I were able to visit for awhile today and relayed to him what all happened and when. One memory he does have is of the tube in his airway.... He doesn't want to have the tube put back in ever again!!!
Still not sure when he will be transferred out of the ICU. Tomorrow would have been his target discharge date. However; since he had the set back that lasted for about 3 days we don't expect him to come home before the weekend. This is a guess on our part.
Tuesday Morning
Slim was able to sit up in a chair for longer periods this morning. The team of physicians rounded on him this morning and set up the game plan for the next few days. They are still concerned about the excessive fluid. To date they have drained over 3 liters out of his system. They are going to change the diuretic medication to see if it well help flush more fluid out. They are still concerned about the Mitral valve not working properly. This could be part of the problem with fluid build up. If the heart can't push blood as efficiently as it is suppose to, then bloods flows backwards into the heart... So this can then impact how the rest of his circulatory system pushes blood/fluids. He will have the swallow eval and start cardiac rehab later today. They don't anticipate that he will be moved to the step down unit until tomorrow or even Thursday.
The staff has asked the we NOT call his room. First, the phone is not located next to his bed. There are too many lines etc. that it could get tangled in and so they have it off to the side. Secondly, They either have to get him up out of bed to answer the phone or the nurse needs to take time to do this. This takes them away from patient care. Third, and most importantly to me, is that he is just getting his voice back and needs to not use it too much. Talking also causes him to expend energy. He then gets exhausted and then needs to rest. Which could limit his ability to perform those tasks that he really needs to focus on in order to get better.....such as cardiac rehab.
Will post later tonight.
The staff has asked the we NOT call his room. First, the phone is not located next to his bed. There are too many lines etc. that it could get tangled in and so they have it off to the side. Secondly, They either have to get him up out of bed to answer the phone or the nurse needs to take time to do this. This takes them away from patient care. Third, and most importantly to me, is that he is just getting his voice back and needs to not use it too much. Talking also causes him to expend energy. He then gets exhausted and then needs to rest. Which could limit his ability to perform those tasks that he really needs to focus on in order to get better.....such as cardiac rehab.
Will post later tonight.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday Night... Off the Vent and in a chair.
When I went in to see Slim this afternoon he was sitting up in a chair. He had an O2 mask on to help keep his oxygen saturation level in the normal range. I was sitting and talking to him a little about how he was feeling when someone came into the room. At first Slim was not able to recognize who had come in. He has a hard time wearing his glasses while having to wear the O2 mask... As the person got closer he was able to see who had come to visit...... Ryan had just arrived from Bamako, Mali in Africa!!! It was a shock to Slim and as the nurse was working on some off his med lines you could hear Slim say in his soft crackly voice with tearful emotion.... " This is my boy from Africa" Although Slim had told Ryan, prior to the surgery, not to worry about coming home things changed when Slim took a turn for the worse. Ryan made an executive decision and decided to ignore the suggestion of his father and come home! Not the first time any of us have ignored the advice of our father.... Ryan's stay will be short ( leaves Sunday), but we are glad to have him back. And I think Slim actually was quite happy to see him as well.
As mentioned in the previous posting today. They tried the electrical shock in order to reverse the A-fib. This worked temporarily, but a few hours later the A-fib returned. They tried this several times during his first heart attack in April. Each time the A-fib returned. They opted to try the same med they used to correct the A-fib last time. It may take some time to correct with this medication... if at all.
He is craving ice right now to help sooth his throat. They are limiting his fluid intake as they are still using the Lasix to help flush excess fluid in his system. That being said, some of Slim's personality is returning as he is trying to charm the nurses to give him more ice than he is allowed to have. The charm isn't working, but at least he tried.
They were able to remove the main IV line in his R arm this afternoon. He still has the main line in his neck as well as his L arm. He also still fatigues quickly.
From what we hear, they do not anticipate moving him to the step down unit for at least another day. He will have the Speech Therapy consult to assess his swallowing tomorrow. He will also start cardiac rehab. They couldn't start the rehab today as he was still tethered to too many lines etc.
They are still limiting visits and the length of visits. Mom and Dori were only able to visit with him for about 10 minutes this evening. Tomorrow will be a key day to assess his tolerance for standing and walking. His heart is not use to working while in a prolonged standing position. Since he hasn't been up and standing for 3 days other than to transfer to the chair earlier today.
We appreciate all the support and prayers on Slim's behalf.
As mentioned in the previous posting today. They tried the electrical shock in order to reverse the A-fib. This worked temporarily, but a few hours later the A-fib returned. They tried this several times during his first heart attack in April. Each time the A-fib returned. They opted to try the same med they used to correct the A-fib last time. It may take some time to correct with this medication... if at all.
He is craving ice right now to help sooth his throat. They are limiting his fluid intake as they are still using the Lasix to help flush excess fluid in his system. That being said, some of Slim's personality is returning as he is trying to charm the nurses to give him more ice than he is allowed to have. The charm isn't working, but at least he tried.
They were able to remove the main IV line in his R arm this afternoon. He still has the main line in his neck as well as his L arm. He also still fatigues quickly.
From what we hear, they do not anticipate moving him to the step down unit for at least another day. He will have the Speech Therapy consult to assess his swallowing tomorrow. He will also start cardiac rehab. They couldn't start the rehab today as he was still tethered to too many lines etc.
They are still limiting visits and the length of visits. Mom and Dori were only able to visit with him for about 10 minutes this evening. Tomorrow will be a key day to assess his tolerance for standing and walking. His heart is not use to working while in a prolonged standing position. Since he hasn't been up and standing for 3 days other than to transfer to the chair earlier today.
We appreciate all the support and prayers on Slim's behalf.
Slim experienced some a-fib (irregular heartbeat) since the last posting. They had to shock his heart to get it to return to a normal rhythm. They opted to remove the vent tube when specialists were on hand. Waiting to see how he responds with that. He now has a mask with O2 and can only talk in a whisper. He will have speech therapy come to evaluate his voice and swallowing either today or tomorrow. Waiting for more overall details on his status. Will update later this afternoon.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sunday Night- Two Thumbs Up!!!
Visiting hours are closed from 6-8 am and 6-8 pm for shift change. Mom came home at around 6 pm and said that they had decreased the sedation such that he was starting to wake up a little. They also started him on Lasix earlier in the day to help flush out the excess fluid in his lungs and extremities. They were able to flush about 1.5 liters out by the time mom left to come home. They hope to continue flushing out more fluid during the night. It as also nice to hear that they had him sitting at the edge of the bed for a few minutes this afternoon.
He will remain on the vent tonight. If all goes well throughout the night, they might try to take the tube out tomorrow. This is mostly a guess on our part, as it will be the physician that determines when this will happen. Unfortunately, we missed talking with the physician today during his rounding on patients.
When Mom and I went to see him again tonight just after 8 p.m., he was awake and for the most part alert. (the medication that they used to sedate him is still in his system) so he was very tired. We again were able to communicate by yes and no questions.... The tube down his airway is still his biggest complaint. He can't wait to get it out!!!
As you can see from the picture I posted above, Slim was able to give a 2 thumbs up on his being awake and progressing. If you look closely, you can see a portion of the tubes that are going into his airway. You can also see that on his left arm, there are multiple connectors to the IV line. This is where they connected a portion of the many meds that they had him on over the last few days. You will also notice the restraints. These are in place to keep him from pulling out the ventilator tube either accidentally or at some level, intentionally... Sometimes patients can be so agitated by the tube that in a subconscious way they attempt to remove the tubes. This is something we don't want to have happen at this stage of his recovery due to his initial intubate issues.
The picture below shows the many pumps they used to help push the different medications into him. At one point all of them were going at the same time. Tonight he was still on only 7 meds. Good news!
Overall it was a great day. He is not out of the woods yet, but is now headed in the right direction. He is still quite weak and fatigues quickly. Once they can remove the tube he will get busy with early stage cardiac rehab. He will also have a difficult time talking for a day or two after the tube is pulled out. Mostly due to the irritation from having the tube in for so long.
We continue to appreciate every ones thoughts and prayer on his behalf.
He will remain on the vent tonight. If all goes well throughout the night, they might try to take the tube out tomorrow. This is mostly a guess on our part, as it will be the physician that determines when this will happen. Unfortunately, we missed talking with the physician today during his rounding on patients.
When Mom and I went to see him again tonight just after 8 p.m., he was awake and for the most part alert. (the medication that they used to sedate him is still in his system) so he was very tired. We again were able to communicate by yes and no questions.... The tube down his airway is still his biggest complaint. He can't wait to get it out!!!
As you can see from the picture I posted above, Slim was able to give a 2 thumbs up on his being awake and progressing. If you look closely, you can see a portion of the tubes that are going into his airway. You can also see that on his left arm, there are multiple connectors to the IV line. This is where they connected a portion of the many meds that they had him on over the last few days. You will also notice the restraints. These are in place to keep him from pulling out the ventilator tube either accidentally or at some level, intentionally... Sometimes patients can be so agitated by the tube that in a subconscious way they attempt to remove the tubes. This is something we don't want to have happen at this stage of his recovery due to his initial intubate issues.
The picture below shows the many pumps they used to help push the different medications into him. At one point all of them were going at the same time. Tonight he was still on only 7 meds. Good news!
Overall it was a great day. He is not out of the woods yet, but is now headed in the right direction. He is still quite weak and fatigues quickly. Once they can remove the tube he will get busy with early stage cardiac rehab. He will also have a difficult time talking for a day or two after the tube is pulled out. Mostly due to the irritation from having the tube in for so long.
We continue to appreciate every ones thoughts and prayer on his behalf.
Sunday Morning
Slim appears to have had a good night. Meaning- that they were able to wean him off of more meds during the night. They now have him on around 7 meds as compared to the 14-19 meds on Friday night and Saturday. Blood pressure is 126/78 (normal range). Heart Rate is down to 95 today vs 110 on Saturday morning.
The main challenge for today is to see if they can start to wean him off from the vent. How fast this happens really depends upon several factors. First, his vital signs etc. need to remain stable as they decrease vent out-put and the meds that help keep him sedated. Secondly, they are concerned about his airway. When they started to intubate him in surgery they found it very difficult to get a tube down into his airway. They had to have one of their best ENTs (Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor) perform this procedure. Because of this difficult airway issue, they don't want to wean him from the vent too fast. If they were to take him off and then suddenly he begins to have complications again, it would be very difficult to get another tube down into his airway again in a timely manner.
They did try to turn down the vent a little this morning to see how he would do. It did cause him to struggle with his breathing so they backed off of it for the morning.
Will post more as we can.
The main challenge for today is to see if they can start to wean him off from the vent. How fast this happens really depends upon several factors. First, his vital signs etc. need to remain stable as they decrease vent out-put and the meds that help keep him sedated. Secondly, they are concerned about his airway. When they started to intubate him in surgery they found it very difficult to get a tube down into his airway. They had to have one of their best ENTs (Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor) perform this procedure. Because of this difficult airway issue, they don't want to wean him from the vent too fast. If they were to take him off and then suddenly he begins to have complications again, it would be very difficult to get another tube down into his airway again in a timely manner.
They did try to turn down the vent a little this morning to see how he would do. It did cause him to struggle with his breathing so they backed off of it for the morning.
Will post more as we can.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Saturday Evening
Baby steps in his progress this afternoon.
Over the course of the day they were able to slowly wean him down on the dosage levels for some of his medications. If fact, they were able to take him completely off of the nitroglycerin. This med was used to help dilate the blood vessels to his heart. Thus allowing for more blood flow and oxygen to get to the heart. The fear is that once his vessels begin to constrict down to a "normal" size, the blood pressure etc would begin to crash again. At this point, that is NOT the case. He has been off for 4-6 hours and seems to be handling it well without the nitroglycerin. We will take the small positive step anyway we can get them!!! This afternoon blood test showed that his enzyme level have decreased slightly as well!!
He is still in bad shape and even though they are calling him stable. It is a very tenuous level of stability.
There are no plans to take him off of the sedation in the next 12-24 hours. Also, there no plans to remove the ventilator during the same time frame.
Again- Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
Over the course of the day they were able to slowly wean him down on the dosage levels for some of his medications. If fact, they were able to take him completely off of the nitroglycerin. This med was used to help dilate the blood vessels to his heart. Thus allowing for more blood flow and oxygen to get to the heart. The fear is that once his vessels begin to constrict down to a "normal" size, the blood pressure etc would begin to crash again. At this point, that is NOT the case. He has been off for 4-6 hours and seems to be handling it well without the nitroglycerin. We will take the small positive step anyway we can get them!!! This afternoon blood test showed that his enzyme level have decreased slightly as well!!
He is still in bad shape and even though they are calling him stable. It is a very tenuous level of stability.
There are no plans to take him off of the sedation in the next 12-24 hours. Also, there no plans to remove the ventilator during the same time frame.
Again- Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
Saturday Afternoon
Slim pretty much is under sedation all the time. From what the MDs told us this morning.... They were in crisis mode last night. His heart is experiencing what they call cardiogenic shock. This is not uncommon with the type of surgery Slim had. It's just that he is experiencing more of it than normal or more than what we had hoped. He has stabilized a little more this morning. His enzymes levels haven't gotten any worse and his lactic acid level appears to be decreasing a little. The lactic acid build up comes from the portion of the heart that is not getting enough oxygen. I would guess that it is similar to what occurs to your muscles when you are over exerting them like when you exercise. It basically means that the oxygen can't get to that portion of the heart to help and you need the blood flow to help clear out the lactic acid. This is the main concern right now. They want/need to get this under control.
Last night they had him on 4 different meds to help control his blood pressure. This morning when I went in to see him they had removed one med and had decreased the dosage in others. He has been able to keep his blood pressure at around 100/60. Normal is around 120/80... So it is still low but it is not dropping! They are monitoring him for Sepsis also known as a blood infection. They have him on several antibiotics to help keep this from happening. Right now they are trying to ween him off of various medications a little at time. It looks like he will be on the vent for a few more days. Surgery is still an option, but from what the MD's tell us, it will have to wait until he is more stable.
What the MDs are saying is that they think he had a larger Myocardial Infarction (MI) or heart attack than what they previously thought. It would fall into the same category as what he experienced in April. Only this time he didn't have the same level of intense pain and was a lot more alert throughout the MI episode. In other words his symptoms did not appear to be as bad as what he may have truely experienced.
We feel fortunate to have the team of physicians that are working on him. This group is not only recognized locally, but they are also well known and respected nationally for their level of expertise.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
Last night they had him on 4 different meds to help control his blood pressure. This morning when I went in to see him they had removed one med and had decreased the dosage in others. He has been able to keep his blood pressure at around 100/60. Normal is around 120/80... So it is still low but it is not dropping! They are monitoring him for Sepsis also known as a blood infection. They have him on several antibiotics to help keep this from happening. Right now they are trying to ween him off of various medications a little at time. It looks like he will be on the vent for a few more days. Surgery is still an option, but from what the MD's tell us, it will have to wait until he is more stable.
What the MDs are saying is that they think he had a larger Myocardial Infarction (MI) or heart attack than what they previously thought. It would fall into the same category as what he experienced in April. Only this time he didn't have the same level of intense pain and was a lot more alert throughout the MI episode. In other words his symptoms did not appear to be as bad as what he may have truely experienced.
We feel fortunate to have the team of physicians that are working on him. This group is not only recognized locally, but they are also well known and respected nationally for their level of expertise.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
Sat Morning... Rough night
To begin- Mom called the hospital this morning at around 3 am to get an update. At that time, the surgeon and an intensive care specialist were both there checking on Slim. They were reviewing some test results and making some changes to his meds. The update at that time was:
Slim's enzymes are again elevated. He is high in lactic acid and a portion of his heart that is called the papillary muscle, is not getting enough oxygen. His lungs are filling up with fluid and they continue to keep him sedated. He appears to be stable, but not as stable as when he came out of surgery. They may need to take him back into surgery. They would probably place a stint in the artery that provides blood to the papillary muscle.
At this time they are only allowing family to see him for five minutes at a time. We are only able to see him once every hour.
Slim's enzymes are again elevated. He is high in lactic acid and a portion of his heart that is called the papillary muscle, is not getting enough oxygen. His lungs are filling up with fluid and they continue to keep him sedated. He appears to be stable, but not as stable as when he came out of surgery. They may need to take him back into surgery. They would probably place a stint in the artery that provides blood to the papillary muscle.
At this time they are only allowing family to see him for five minutes at a time. We are only able to see him once every hour.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday night update- a step back...
We received a call at home tonight from the cardiac surgeon that performed the surgery on Slim today. As they were weening him off of the ventilator tonight. Slim's heart rate went up and his blood pressure went down. They have decided to hold off on weening him from the vent for tonight. They have put him on a low dose nitroglycerin drip and sedated him so that he can relax and sleep tonight.
Judy and I came by shortly after they called to check up on him. When we came in he was still conscious. He can't speak because of the tube down his throat. He mainly communicates with a slight nod to yes an no questions. We asked him if he was uncomfortable at all and he said yes. After several yes and no questions. We were able to figure out that his throat and the tube were bothering him the most. Unfortunately there is not much we can do about that.
While the nurses worked on Slim, Mom held his hand and rubbed his arm while the sedation took effect. She only stopped to let respiratory therapy change over some of his vent parameters. He will have one nurse in his room most of the night to help monitor his status.
There are currently 14 different pumps that he is hooked up to in order to help push various medicines into him. His current blood pressure is 100/60, Heart Rate 111 BPM, O2 sat is at 94%.
So in summary, He has had a little set back on a few things... This is not uncommon with patients in similar situations. We hope he gets to sleep through the night and be ready to start weening off the vent again tomorrow morning.
Given his status, visitors are limited to immediate family until he has turned the corner on this set back.They are also requesting the visits be limited to 5 - 10 minutes.
Judy and I came by shortly after they called to check up on him. When we came in he was still conscious. He can't speak because of the tube down his throat. He mainly communicates with a slight nod to yes an no questions. We asked him if he was uncomfortable at all and he said yes. After several yes and no questions. We were able to figure out that his throat and the tube were bothering him the most. Unfortunately there is not much we can do about that.
While the nurses worked on Slim, Mom held his hand and rubbed his arm while the sedation took effect. She only stopped to let respiratory therapy change over some of his vent parameters. He will have one nurse in his room most of the night to help monitor his status.
There are currently 14 different pumps that he is hooked up to in order to help push various medicines into him. His current blood pressure is 100/60, Heart Rate 111 BPM, O2 sat is at 94%.
So in summary, He has had a little set back on a few things... This is not uncommon with patients in similar situations. We hope he gets to sleep through the night and be ready to start weening off the vent again tomorrow morning.
Given his status, visitors are limited to immediate family until he has turned the corner on this set back.They are also requesting the visits be limited to 5 - 10 minutes.
Post Surgical Update
The Doctor just came out and gave us a briefing. Everything went well and he is now in recovery. He will be transferred to the Thoracic ICU in about an hour. He will still have the tube in his mouth and down into his lungs to help with breathing. As far as what surgical procedures actually took place:
They took a vein from his R leg and used it to construct 4 out of 5 of the bypass grafts. The 5 graft came from a small vessel underneath his chest. He will be on a respirator for the next 7-10 hours. If all goes well they will be able to wean him off by sometime tomorrow morning. They also did a procedure that is called the Maze procedure. In general terms- They make a series of incisions that will form scars that help normalize or control the electrical impulses the heart uses to rhythmically control the heart beat. There is still a chance that he could go into what is called A fib or abnormal heart rhythm. So they have a temporary pacemaker in place in case they need to bring his heart back into normal rhythm. He will be well medicated for pain and comfort as he will have tubes/drains, IV lines etc in place. They hope to be able to start him sitting up tomorrow and then start early stage Cardiac Rehab on Sunday If all goes well, they may even transfer him to the step down unit on Sunday. As he will be spending tonight and possibly Saturday night in the ICU. He/we will not be able to use his cell phone.
They took a vein from his R leg and used it to construct 4 out of 5 of the bypass grafts. The 5 graft came from a small vessel underneath his chest. He will be on a respirator for the next 7-10 hours. If all goes well they will be able to wean him off by sometime tomorrow morning. They also did a procedure that is called the Maze procedure. In general terms- They make a series of incisions that will form scars that help normalize or control the electrical impulses the heart uses to rhythmically control the heart beat. There is still a chance that he could go into what is called A fib or abnormal heart rhythm. So they have a temporary pacemaker in place in case they need to bring his heart back into normal rhythm. He will be well medicated for pain and comfort as he will have tubes/drains, IV lines etc in place. They hope to be able to start him sitting up tomorrow and then start early stage Cardiac Rehab on Sunday If all goes well, they may even transfer him to the step down unit on Sunday. As he will be spending tonight and possibly Saturday night in the ICU. He/we will not be able to use his cell phone.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thursday Night Update
Slim had a lot of visits today from various departments and physicians. Reviewing medical history answering questions etc. Mainly getting all the prep work done prior to his surgery tomorrow morning.
We understand that they will start surgery between 7:30 am and 8:00 am. The surgery will last for 4 to 4 1/2 hours. The physician indicated that we should get an update on his status about once an hour. Even after the surgery. He will need to be in the PACU or OR recovery room for around another hour. Then he should be transferred back to the ICU. We probably won't actually be able to seem him until later in the afternoon.
Braden, Uncle Randy and myself were able to give Slim a blessing tonight. I beleive Slim felt comforted by this and it seemed to help ease some nervousness about the surgery. Not that Slim would mention that he is nervous. But since this is the first major surgery Slim has had in his 70 years. It stands to be expected that you can be a little nervous...... Its certainly not one of those things you want to have on your bucket list.
Will update the surgery status as soon as we able.
We understand that they will start surgery between 7:30 am and 8:00 am. The surgery will last for 4 to 4 1/2 hours. The physician indicated that we should get an update on his status about once an hour. Even after the surgery. He will need to be in the PACU or OR recovery room for around another hour. Then he should be transferred back to the ICU. We probably won't actually be able to seem him until later in the afternoon.
Braden, Uncle Randy and myself were able to give Slim a blessing tonight. I beleive Slim felt comforted by this and it seemed to help ease some nervousness about the surgery. Not that Slim would mention that he is nervous. But since this is the first major surgery Slim has had in his 70 years. It stands to be expected that you can be a little nervous...... Its certainly not one of those things you want to have on your bucket list.
Will update the surgery status as soon as we able.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Wednesday- Moved to another floor
Not much change today other than he was transferred to the step down unit. If all goes well he should be in this unit until his surgery on Friday morning.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuesday's Update.... A Lot Of Waiting
Not much to report about today. Slim was able to sit up in a chair for a while. They won't allow him to walk around. I didn't get a specific answer as to why this was the case. I assume that they want to keep his heart from potentially exerting too much.
Slim is still in the CICU. There was some talk of transferring him to the Cardiac step-down unit today. Unfortunately that unit was full. This may happen tomorrow... Provide he doesn't have any additional episodes.
Slim is still in the CICU. There was some talk of transferring him to the Cardiac step-down unit today. Unfortunately that unit was full. This may happen tomorrow... Provide he doesn't have any additional episodes.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Slim's Status
Monday- 1/17/2011
We have created this blog as a way of communicating to family and friends on how Slim is doing.
To begin- Late Saturday evening Slim felt some arm, chest and throat/neck pain. He had eaten some spicy food that night and thought it might have been indigestion. He went to bed and woke up early the next morning to get ready for his church meetings. He didn't feel any pain. He then went to his early morning church meetings and felt fine. He came home about mid morning and started to not feel very good. He began to experience increased chest pain and suggested to Judy that he should probably go to the ER. At this point he had a significant increase in pain and collapsed to his knees. Judy then realized that she wouldn't be able to get him to the ER and called 911.
Once the paramedics arrived they immediately gave him 2 baby aspirin and some nitroglycerin spray. This dramatically decreased his pain. While in the ER he underwent some testing. He was actually starting to feel pretty good and thought he would be able to go home. His blood work showed some elevated enzymes that are indicative of having heart stress. They decided to admit him overnight for observation.
Monday Morning- Slim had a rough night. The chest pain came back and they had to place a nitroglycerin patch on his chest to alleviate the pain. Blood work this morning was again positive for elevated enzymes related to having a heart attack. In fact, the enzyme levels had significantly increased... meaning that he definitely had had another heart attack. Possibly two. They performed an EKG and it didn't show any signs of an obstruction. They then took him to the Cath lab to perform another procedure to see if they could find out where in the heart the blockage was occurring. The results of this procedure showed that he had several arteries that were obstructed. A couple of them have over a 90% blockage.
After consulting with the physician regarding his options, it was felt that the bypass surgery would provide the best potential outcome. (The location of the blockages would put too many stints too close together.) They will need to bypass 5 arterial areas. They would have taken him into surgery this morning except that Slim has been on Plavix (a blood thinner) since his first heart attack in April. So... They need to wait until Friday before they can perform the surgery. In the meantime he will stay in the hospital to manage his pain and to monitor his heart.
The good news- He was quick again to get into the hospital and at this point it doesn't appear that there is any long-term heart damage.
We will try to post updates daily if not several times a day.
Thanks for all your prayers, love and support.
We have created this blog as a way of communicating to family and friends on how Slim is doing.
To begin- Late Saturday evening Slim felt some arm, chest and throat/neck pain. He had eaten some spicy food that night and thought it might have been indigestion. He went to bed and woke up early the next morning to get ready for his church meetings. He didn't feel any pain. He then went to his early morning church meetings and felt fine. He came home about mid morning and started to not feel very good. He began to experience increased chest pain and suggested to Judy that he should probably go to the ER. At this point he had a significant increase in pain and collapsed to his knees. Judy then realized that she wouldn't be able to get him to the ER and called 911.
Once the paramedics arrived they immediately gave him 2 baby aspirin and some nitroglycerin spray. This dramatically decreased his pain. While in the ER he underwent some testing. He was actually starting to feel pretty good and thought he would be able to go home. His blood work showed some elevated enzymes that are indicative of having heart stress. They decided to admit him overnight for observation.
Monday Morning- Slim had a rough night. The chest pain came back and they had to place a nitroglycerin patch on his chest to alleviate the pain. Blood work this morning was again positive for elevated enzymes related to having a heart attack. In fact, the enzyme levels had significantly increased... meaning that he definitely had had another heart attack. Possibly two. They performed an EKG and it didn't show any signs of an obstruction. They then took him to the Cath lab to perform another procedure to see if they could find out where in the heart the blockage was occurring. The results of this procedure showed that he had several arteries that were obstructed. A couple of them have over a 90% blockage.
After consulting with the physician regarding his options, it was felt that the bypass surgery would provide the best potential outcome. (The location of the blockages would put too many stints too close together.) They will need to bypass 5 arterial areas. They would have taken him into surgery this morning except that Slim has been on Plavix (a blood thinner) since his first heart attack in April. So... They need to wait until Friday before they can perform the surgery. In the meantime he will stay in the hospital to manage his pain and to monitor his heart.
The good news- He was quick again to get into the hospital and at this point it doesn't appear that there is any long-term heart damage.
We will try to post updates daily if not several times a day.
Thanks for all your prayers, love and support.
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